About the Programme
This programme is a core academic Postgraduate Programme of the University of Lagos Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development (ARUA CoE for Urbanization and Habitable Cities. This is designed to close the skill and knowledge gap of urban practitioners, providing specialist training in sustainable urban development and systems thinking, with a specific focus on African cities. The programme targets professionals, whether researchers, policy agents and actors, industry players or non-government organs; who need to be provided with core academic competencies and skills to make desired changes.
The rationale of the Masters in Sustainable Urbanization programme is to localize contemporary thoughts in the global development agenda for the African urban sector by providing a curriculum for specialized learning, drawing on the expertise of both local and international academics and professionals, in an environment that is amenable to advanced teaching and learning.
For Whom
Real Estate Practitioners, Real Estate Entrepreneurs, Employees in Real Estate firms, Policy Makers and Professionals in government agencies etc.
Part Time: Minimum of four semesters and maximum of eight semesters.
Full Time: Minimum of three semesters and maximum of six semesters.
Fees are moderate for the quality of the program and are payable in two installments as per conditions of UNILAG School of Postgraduate School
Entry Requirements
Candidates must satisfy any of the following requirements:
i) Be a holder of the Bachelor's degree with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division in the disciplines of the Built Environment (such as Real Estate, Estate Management, Quantity surveying, Building, Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture) from the University of Lagos or any other recognised University; OR
ii) Be a holder of the Bachelor's degree with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division in the following disciplines: Engineering, Social Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Arts and Humanities from the University of Lagos or any other recognised University.
iii) Membership of a relevant professional body in the Built Environment (such as the NIA, NIESV, NIOB, NIQS, NSE or any of their foreign equivalence) will be an added advantage.
iv) Possession of work experiences in the Built Environment will be an added advantage.
v) All other requirements as stipulated by the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos.
All candidates are required to undergo a selection process such as interviews for the admission to the programme.
How to Apply
For online application form visit: http://spgs.unilag.edu.ng/
Enquiries: 08036665758; 08037737355, 07038565397 or send us an email: centreforhousing@unilag.edu.ng
About the Programme
This programme is a core academic Postgraduate Programme of the University of Lagos Centre for Housing Sustainable Development. It commenced in 2015 and domiciled in the Department of Estate Management. The programme specifically targets those who are building their career in the housing development and management sector and is designed to help practitioners acquire the skills and knowledge to practice more effectively. The curriculum has been carefully designed to link theory and research to the practice of developing decent homes to satisfy the nation's housing needs.
For Whom
Real Estate Finance Practitioners, Real Estate Entrepreneurs, Employees in Real Estate firms and Real Estate Professionals in government agencies,
Eighteen (18) months; Part-time - Real & Online classes (Friday evenings and Saturday classes)
Fees are moderate for the quality of the program and are payable in two installments as per conditions of UNILAG School of Postgraduate School
Entry Requirements
Candidates must satisfy any of the following requirements:
1) Be a holder of a first degree of the University of Lagos in Estate Management or its equivalent obtained from any other recognized University; OR
ii) Be a holder of a first degree in any of the following disciplines: Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Sociology, Business Administration, Economics, Building, Accounting, Urban and Regional Planning, Public Administration Arts and Sciences; OR
iii) Be a holder of a Post-Graduate Diploma in Estate Management or any of the disciplines above with full professional registration with any of the following: Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Council of Nigeria, The Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria, Architects Registration Council of Nigeria, and other similar Registration Councils in related disciplines in Nigeria, or their foreign equivalents.
iv) In the case of categories i) and ii) above, membership of relevant professional bodies such as Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration
Council of Nigeria, The Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria, Architects Registration Council of Nigeria, and other similar Registration Councils in related disciplines in Nigeria, or their foreign equivalents will be an advantage.
v) Must possess at least two (2) years professional experience.
Candidates must achieve satisfactory performance
How to Apply
For online application form visit: http://spgs.unilag.edu.ng/
Enquiries: 08036665758; 08037737355, 07038565397 or send us an email: centreforhousing@unilag.edu.ng
Admission Requirements
i) Be a holder of the Bachelor's degree, with a minimum of Second class honours upper division, OR a Master's degree with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 from the University of Lagos or any other recognized university
ii) All other requirements as stipulated in the regulations of the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos
iii) All candidates for the programme are required to undergo a selection process to ensure that the candidate's research meets the following criteria:
- Addresses one of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Is relevant to at least one of the following research clusters at the Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development (i.
African Urbanization Dynamics; ii. Housing and Urban Regeneration; iii. Sustainable Infrastructure and Urban Design;
iv. Sustainable Construction and Construction skills development; v. Land. Administration and Management; vi. Spatial Data
Infrastructure; vii. Urban Health and Livability; viii. Pro-poor Development / Urban Management; ix. Digital Built Environment; x. Urban Mobility and Urban Resillience
At Full time: Four semesters
Part Time: Six semesters
This will be delivered through a combination of onsite and online classes
To apply for the programme:
Fill, THIS FORM and reach out to the PG
Coordinator to confirm the availablity supervisor via below details.
Enquiries: 08036665758; 08037737355, 07038565397 or send us an email: centreforhousing@unilag.edu.ng
Admission Requirements
i) a Master's Degree, with a minimum CGPA of 3.5, OR a Master of Philosophy degree with a minimum CGPA of 3.5 from the University of Lagos or any other recognized university in any of the following disciplines:
Sustainable Urbanisation, Housing Development and Management, Urban Management, Facility Management, Construction Management, Project Management,
Built Environment Disciplines including Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Estate Management, Land Economy, Quantity Surveying, Building, Landscape Architecture, Land Surveying and Geographic Information Systems.
Social Science disciplines including Geography. Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Philosophy, and
Interdisciplinary Studies including Urban Studies, International Relations/Development, History and Strategic Studies, Public Policy, Peace and Conflict Studies, Transport Studies and Sustainable Development
ii) All other requirements as stipulated in the regulations of the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos
iii) All candidates for the programme are required to undergo a selection process to ensure that the candidate's research meets the following criteria:
- Addresses one of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Is relevant to at least one of the following research clusters at the Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development (i.
African Urbanization Dynamics; ii. Housing and Urban Regeneration; iii. Sustainable Infrastructure and Urban Design;
iv. Sustainable Construction and Construction skills development; v. Land. Administration and Management; vi. Spatial Data
Infrastructure; vii. Urban Health and Livability; viii. Pro-poor Development / Urban Management; ix. Digital Built Environment; x. Urban Mobility and Urban Resillience
At Full time: Six semesters
Part Time: Eight semesters
This will be delivered through a combination of onsite and online classes
To apply for the programme:
Fill, THIS FORM and reach out to the PG
Coordinator to confirm the availablity supervisor via below details.
Enquiries: 08036665758; 08037737355, 07038565397 or send us an email: centreforhousing@unilag.edu.ng